First edition of Our Bodies Our Selves, 1971, and meeting minutes, 1973
Photo by Kevin Grady/Radcliffe Institute
The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective began meeting in 1969 with the goal of educating members and others on women's health issues. Their groundbreaking work, Our Bodies, Our Selves, changed the way women viewed their bodies and their health. Frequently revised and updated, the book has been translated into 30 languages. The first edition (shown here) was published in 1971, and planning for the first major revision began in 1973, as evidenced by this page from the collective’s minutes.
Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, Our Bodies Our Selves: A Book by and for Women, Boston: New England Free Press, 1971; Boston Women’s Health Book Collective Records
Catalog record:
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Learn about our collection on the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, renowned for its grassroots global effort to advance the health and rights of women and girls.
See the Schlesinger Library's research guide on the Boston Women's Health Book Collective.