The Bride’s Cook Book, 1908
Photo by Kevin Grady/Radcliffe Institute
Throughout American history, women have generally been largely responsible for household management. Somehow, every bride had to learn the ropes. This exceptionally beautiful 1908 cookbook is one resource to get them started. The Library’s collection of cookbooks is one of the world’s foremost and illustrates the evolution of women’s involvement in the home, in the marketplace, and as authors, instructors, and culinary celebrities.
Davenport, Laura, The Bride’s Cook Book: A Superior Collection of Thoroughly Tested Practical Recipes Specially Adapted to the Needs of the Young Housekeeper, Chicago: Reilly & Britton, 1908
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Learn more:
Explore the research guide for historic cookbooks at the Schlesinger Library.
Listen to the WBUR segment on "Old Cookbooks Find a Home at Harvard."
Discover the exhibit Cookbooks to Treasure: Culinary Rarities from the Schlesinger Library.