Lamaze film, 1968
Researchers are often surprised to discover the extent of the Library’s audiovisual holdings. While they are often part of larger manuscript collections, some stand on their own. The collection comprises upwards of 35,000 items ranging from wire recordings to digital video. Access to the materials is now provided via streaming from links in the finding aids, allowing researchers to listen or view at their convenience. We have selected six clips that provide a glimpse into these rich holdings. The clips represent broad collecting areas of the Library and include a Lamaze birth class, scenes from a girls’ camp, Radcliffe College life, ERA march footage, a feminist rock and roll band, and June Jordan reading a poem that speaks to the intersectionality of racism, sexism, and homophobia.
Birth, 1968, excerpt with Elisabeth Bing, a cofounder of Lamaze International, leading a discussion and exercises with prospective parents at a birth class
Excerpt: 3 minutes
Lamaze International Moving Image Collection
Catalog record:
Learn more:
Explore the Schlesinger Library’s Explore the Schlesinger Library’s research guide to its audiovisual materials and the research guide on pregnancy, adoption, and loss.