Industrial Toxicology, 1949, and photos of its authors, Alice Hamilton and Harriet L. Hardy, 1957
Photos by Kevin Grady/Radcliffe Institute
Dr. Alice Hamilton (1869–1970) wrote Industrial Toxicology in 1934 and teamed up with Dr. Harriet L. Hardy (1906–1993) for this expanded second edition in 1949. Both women battled resistance to women in medicine to pioneer the study of industrial toxins, leading to improvements in workplace safety. In its 17th edition, Hamilton and Hardy’s Industrial Toxicology, as it is now called, still serves as a key resource for industry regulators, lawyers, and scientists.
Alice Hamilton Papers; Harriet Louise Hardy Papers; Hamilton, Alice and Harriet L. Hardy, Industrial Toxicology, New York: P.B. Hoeber, 1949
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